Bag of Memories and Tagaytay

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I’ve always disliked crowds and try to avoid them as much as possible. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not claustrophobic. In truth, crowds are beneficial because they brighten the streets and add colour at all hours of the day and night. But sometimes a person requires solitude. Some may find it boring, but introverts love stillness and serenity. These can be as motivating as lively streets for us.

Then and Now

Memories rushed through my head as I stared at the dark but uplifting view of the Taal Volcano.

The ’90s

There were a few vehicles, so finding a parking spot was not difficult. There were actually more people than cars. Instead of phones, digital cameras, and DSLRs, each family had only one simple camera. Parents and children alike pose without concern for how the photographs would turn out. Not only that, but they made the most of every shot since because in the 1990s folks had only approximately 12, 24, or 30 shots.


Everyone had a camera – a phone, a digital camera, and a DSLR. Even if there is only one position, each gadget gives you three alternative replicas. I hope they get a clean shot of the beautiful view they’re missing. I wish they will take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the scenery. But that is their decision to make. I’m just thrilled for being able to see this view again.

Bag of Beans

I’ve been here numerous times, in various locations with the same magnificent view. The only difference between this trip and prior ones to Tagaytay is the company I’m with and the restaurant I’ll be eating at. We used to bring our own meals and eat together. Families nowadays would select the ideal restaurant or hotel. I can’t blame anyone because everything has become more convenient at this point.

So, between family picnics and get-togethers with friends, I took a little road trip with a very special person and enjoyed al fresco eating in a beautiful garden setting at Bag of Beans.

Also, we bought some plants and a pinwheel on our way back to the bustling metropolis to remind us of our brief respite.

Happy travelling!

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